What Coaching Looks Like
Coaching begins with an exploration of what’s important to you and a clear agreement to work together for a defined season of time. From there, you will:
Connect to yourself
by learning to build on your ability to sense and tend your own presence and commitment.
Declare your vision
within the safety of the coaching relationship as a means of accountability to yourself and our work together.
Develop goals
that inspire by envisioning, refining, and describing exactly what you mean to say and do and become.
See yourself more clearly, and with greater compassion,
by spending time with your individualized resources, which provide ongoing sustenance and naturally increase your abilities.
Stretch and reach
in specially designed times and spaces set aside for safe-to-fail fieldwork assignments that are tailored to your current commitments and future vision.
Go public
with your new trail of evidence that reveals a more authentic, grounded, forward moving you.
Book your initial exploratory session.
"The stillness in ourselves is the source from which everything else arises. It's always there. Always ready and waiting for our awareness to open to it. This is the field of presence, in which the future is unwritten, and all possibilities are available."
— Doug Silsbee, creator of Presence-Based Coaching